This Corona-virus came into being at the dawn of 2020. No one knew that it would turn into a situation like this. None of the economists believed that the biggest nations will suffer a loss in their economic growth. But this came as a hurricane, eroding every part of the world. So here's a few things which we all have been asked and have gone through in this severe pandemic:- As soons as schools were shut, schools started online classes. Every so relative who called at home gradually asked, " Are your classes going on?" It felt as if they were the ones who wanted to study! But it was meant to be, neither the parents leave their children sitting idle and nor the teachers! Not only these online classes have been a pain for children but also for the parents and teachers who yell at them like hell to make them do their homework. I don’t think there is a single house where a cake wasn’t baked in this phase. Not only the beginners in the kitchen learnt a lot but also deep do...